Sunday, February 24, 2013

His love...

Dear Macey,
   Our mailman has never seen so much of me as he has these last couple of weeks. I catch him frequently before he even gets a chance to put the mail in our mailbox. I flip through the pieces, not even noting who they are from or what they are. I am only looking for a pink piece of paper peeking through the envelope window. I know this is the color of the notices that come from USCIS, from the many we have already received. This one will have the date that we can take your brother Alex for his fingerprints.
   Instead of allowing these delays to discourage me, God has given me a peace about them. Though we are anxious to overcome them and move forward each time, I know they are a part of God's timeline. For whatever reason, they (the delays) are what will allow us to find you in His perfect timing. Each setback or obstacle is His way of reminding us that He is in control, not us. He is the author of our story and yours. He will write the lines and assign the roles, and it will be perfect because it is His.
   If we could wrap our minds around how much He loves us, we would be blown away. It is incomprehensible how much He cares for us. Macey, the sequence of events that God put in place to bring You, specifically you, not just any child, but you Macey, home to be with us is nothing less that amazing! I want you to know these things because I want you to know with not a doubt in your mind or heart that God had a plan for you long before you were born. He was busy writing your story before your little heart ever took it's first beat. He had a place and a purpose for you, and that means you are very special.
   I will tell you the story, and I will write the details so that when you are old enough, you will understand. You will know that the God of the Universe loves YOU, adores YOU and longs to walk with YOU everyday of your life. God has done great things for you Macey!  He gave His son's life for you to save you from the sin of the world so that you could spend eternity with Him in heaven. He made a way for you to be forgiven when you make mistakes. He made hope possible for you and made sure that you would never have to feel alone. He will be your best friend and greatest love, all in one!
    Where your story meets our story is only the beginning. He has big plans for you and I know He wants to use you in ways that we can not even begin to imagine. I will forever be full of gratitude and awe at the role He is allowing us to play in this. What a magnificent, merciful, gracious God we worship.
  Each day we wait for you, is purposed by Him. I will rest in that until we hold you.
 We love you already!

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