Monday, February 4, 2013


Progress! Whoop, Whoop!

Dear Macey,

So, it's been a few days. I am going to work on being more consistent with my posts. Anyhow, after a few minor hiccups we are back on track. When we started the adoption process I agonized over which agency to use. But, I was so excited that I didn't do the research I should have and we quickly realized that in my impatience I had not made the best decision. I know as a whole the agency is a reputable one and I know they have led many families on successful journeys to find their forever family. But early on (and I thank God for that) we realized it just wasn't a fit for us. This process is long, trying and can get hairy sometimes; knowing this we just wanted to make sure that the agency we were "married" to through this process was one we felt a connection and comfortable with.

Whew! So, on we go. Starting over with the new agency, we have completed the application process (again!) and that is no small feat. We have selected a home study agency here locally and are well on our way with that process as well. Our application with the adoption agency has moved onto to the dossier stage. This is the part of the process where they put together every possible legal document related to you, your husband, your family and your finances together. This I have been told is a lengthy process in itself. And once we compile the documents here and they are all certified as legal, the file is then sent to Ethiopia and goes through a translation process. So, in the meantime we are beginning the education requirements and learning more and more about the joys, blessings and challenges of international adoption.

We, at some point had to make a final decision on the age of the child we would like to request. This was very difficult. We thought a "3" sounded good, but then what about the years we missed? After praying and seeking professional advice from a family counselor we decided to request a 9-18 month old, still a girl, and still open to any siblings God may have in store for us. This was tough! Did that mean now that we are trying to step on God's toes? What if he intended for us to have a "3"? Then, I know somehow, it will be that we get a "3". Whether it's a sibling or whatever. But as we carefully considered the counselors advice, we decided we want the absolute best possible scenario for our baby, not for us.

"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart" Psalm 37:4

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